Louisiana Tire Regulations

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Tire Size, Thread Depth, Width and Snow Chains Regulations

Wheels and Tires – Must have at least 2/32″ of tread measured in any 2 adjacent major grooves. No knots, bulges, sidewall cracks or tread exposure allowed.

Restrictions as to tire equipment

A. Every solid rubber tire on a vehicle moved on any highway of this state shall have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery of the rim of the wheel.

B. No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on its periphery any protuberances of any material, other than rubber, which projects beyond the thread of the traction surface of the tire, except that it shall be permissible to:

  1. Use farm machinery with tires having protuberances which will not injure the highways; and
  2. Use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle, when required for safety because of conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid.

C. The department may issue emergency permission authorizing the operation upon the highways of traction engines or tractors having movable tracks with transverse corrugations upon their periphery, or farm tractors or other farm machinery or instruments of husbandry.

D. No person shall operate or move on any highway of this state any motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer having any metal tire in contact with the highway.

E. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer to sell or trade, or knowingly use any motor vehicle tire not in compliance with Sub-section A of this Section; or to sell, offer to sell, or trade, or knowingly use any motor vehicle tire the original tread of which has been worn, and which without additional treading being added, has been grooved so as to give the appearance of a new tire or a tire which has been recapped. Any person violating the provisions of this Sub-section upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of fifty dollars or thirty days in jail for the first offense and, a fine of two hundred fifty dollars or three months in jail, or both, for a second offense, and for a third or subsequent offense, shall be fined five hundred dollars and shall be imprisoned for six months in jail.

Tire Width: There’s no legal restriction on the width of the truck tires themselves, but they’re not allowed to extend beyond the fenders of the truck in virtually every state. Although well-intentioned, it’s a very inefficient law. One simple and perfectly legal way around this is to put fender flares on the truck that are wider than the trick tires. These are counted as part of the fender, so extremely wide tires are quite legitimate as long as they don’t stick out beyond the fenders.

Tire chains permissible upon any vehicle upon any vehicle when required for safety because of conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid.

Source: http://legis.la.gov/legis/Laws_Toc.aspx?folder=106&title=32
Source: http://legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=88297

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