Kansas Axle Weight Limits

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Maximum Legal Weight Allowed

  • Maximum gross weight in Kansas is 85,500 lbs. (80,000 lbs. on interstate highways.)
  • Gross weight is defined as the total weight of the vehicle or vehicles and the load thereon.
  • Maximum single axle weight is 20,000 lbs.
  • Maximum tandem axle weight is 34,000 lbs.

Note: Federal Bridge Formula is used per for calculate maximum legal weight for 3,4 etc. axles.

Single Axle: 20,000 pounds
Tandem Axle: 34,000 pounds
Gross Vehicle Weight:

85,500 pounds (Kansas)

80,000 pounds (interstate)

Scale Tolerance

  • Officers may allow a 5 percent tolerance up to a 1,500 lb. maximum.
  • Single Axle- Maximum tolerance is 1,000 lbs.
  • Tandem Axle- Maximum tolerance is 1,500 lbs.

Maximum Permit Weight Allowed

Annual Permits and Standard Permits
Single, non-drive axle 22,000 pounds
Single, drive axle 24,000 pounds
Tandem Axles 45,000 pounds
Triple Axles 60,000 pounds
Quad Axles 65,000 pounds

Maximum Axle Weights for Extra Wide Axles – Standard and Annual Permits

Extra Wide Axles Weight Table
    Single N- drive (pounds)     Single Drive (pounds)     Tandem (pounds)     Tridem (pounds)     Quad (pounds)  
  Width (Feet)  
Less than (LT) 8′- 07″ 22,000 24,000 45,000 60,000 65,000
8′- 07″ LT 9′ – 00″ 22,500 24,500 46,000 61,500 67,000
9′-00″ LT 9′-06″ 23,000 25,000 47,000 63,000 69,000
9′-06″ LT 10′-00″ 23,500 25,500 48,000 64,500 71,000
10′ – 00″ and greater 24,000 26,000 49,000 66,000  

Note: to determine the width of the axle group measure the distance from the left side of the axle to the right side of the axle. The measurement shall be from where the tread meets the pavement on both sides of the axle group.

Special Mobile Equipment

Maximum Axle Weight Table

Axle Weights
Single, non-drive axle 22,000 pounds
Single, drive axle 24,000 pounds
Tandem 49,000 pounds
Triple 60,000 pounds
Quad 65,000 pounds

Source: https://www.kansashighwaypatrol.org/DocumentCenter/View/178/Weight-Enforcement-Facts-PDF
Source: https://oversizeloadescorts.com/regs/ks.pdf
Source: Oversize.io

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